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Overview Statement

In Walla Walla Public Schools, we operate in an aligned and coherent system. This means students will receive access to the same essential standards in math no matter which school they attend. During the summer of 2019, teachers came together to identify 8-12 essential standards per grade level to ensure consistency across schools, and to ensure all students progress to the next level with the same foundation of skills. The WWPS Essential Standards document linked below summarizes the standards for which all students will receive instruction, and additional support to achieve proficiency for grades K-8. Additional courses will be coming.

Mathematics continues to grow at a rapid rate, spreading into new fields and creating new applications. Employers need students who possess high-level math skills in order to compete in the global economy. To have access to desirable jobs, students today require an education in math that goes far beyond what was needed by students in the past.

All students must develop and sharpen their skills, deepen their understanding of concepts and processes, and hone their problem-solving, reasoning and communication abilities while using math. This requires rigorous mathematical content that is taught and assessed in a problem-solving environment. For students to develop this deeper level of understanding, their knowledge must be connected not only to a variety of ideas and skills across topic areas and grade levels in mathematics, but also to other subjects taught in school and to situations outside the classroom.

 Walla Walla Public School Promise Standards

Instructional Resources

Elementary students use:

K-5: Ready Classroom  

Secondary students use:

Grade LevelTextbook
6-12 Ready Classroom (2020)
6-12 enVision Algebra (2018)
6-12 enVision Geometry (2018)
9-12 enVision Algebra II (2018)
10-12 Cengage Pre-Calculus with Limits - A Graphic Approach (2012)
10-12 Pearson Elementary Statistics (2014) 
11-12 Cengage Calculus of a Single Variable (2014)
11-12 Pearson Trigonometry (2013)


If you have any questions about the materials, or would like to see the materials, please reach out to the Teaching and Learning Department’s Curriculum Coordinator at 509-526-6783.

WALLA WALLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • 364 South Park St. • Walla Walla, WA 99362 • Phone: 509-527-3000 • Fax: 509.529.7713

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